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How to File a Kentucky Sales Tax Return

by TaxJar January 1, 2019

Why use TaxJar?

We get it. You didn’t start business so you could have a reason to file a sales tax return. But if you have nexus in Kentucky and are required to file a sales tax return, we’re here to help make it easier. Less time spent on sales tax means more time on the profitable parts of your business. In this post, we’ll show you how to file a Kentucky return using TaxJar and you’ll be done and on your way in minutes. 

If you’d rather not spend time filing a Kentucky sales tax return ever again, enroll in TaxJar AutoFile and let us handle it. Never worry about missing a due dates or remember your state login and password again! Learn how TaxJar AutoFile can solve your sales tax headaches.

TaxJar integrates with the eCommerce marketplaces and platforms you already use – Amazon, PayPal, Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce and many more. We import your data, and then we prepare your Kentucky TaxJar Report in the format that you need to file. We also tell you exactly how much you collected in all related counties, municipal districts, special taxing jurisdictions and more– so you don’t have to try and figure out which county each of your customers lives in. This is a substantial savings in time and in headaches!

Filing sales tax reports in Kentucky used to be painful. But TaxJar does the work for you so you don’t have to bother with complicated spreadsheets, tax lookup tables and even street maps!

What you’ll need to get started

In order to file your sales tax return, it’s important to gather a few key documents and pieces of information. 

Every state has specific requirements. Generally, we recommend:

  1. Your TaxJar Kentucky sales tax report
  2. Your Kentucky  sales and use tax account number
  3. Your state-assigned filing frequency
  4. Your Kentucky electronic filing login details (ie: username, password, etc)
  5. Your bank account number and routing number that you’d like to use for sales tax payment

Note: In some states, you’ll need additional verification pieces like a Letter ID (ie: Hawaii), an identification number (ie: Kansas) a limited access code (in California), etc.  Be prepared to take a few extra steps to ensure your account is secure. 

Once you’ve gathered the items above, you’re ready to file your return.

Steps to manually filing a sales tax return in Kentucky

  1. Open your TaxJar Report for Kentucky
  2. Select the Record Filing button at the top of your report
  3. Use the links on the top right to locate the state’s filing website or download a paper form
  4. Copy the information from your TaxJar Kentucky Report into the state’s website. View detailed instructions on using TaxJar Reports to file a return including a note on how to file when Marketplace Facilitator Tax collected
  5. Remit payment directly with the state
  6. Record your filing & payment with TaxJar for organized sales tax records and easy-access at a later date

State resources to help you file your return

Kentucky knows that filing a sales tax return can be hard, so they provide resources to business owners to help teach you how to file.

Kentucky state information

Need more help? 

We get it. Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone. At TaxJar we provide general education, but we’re not CPAs. As much as we’d like to help, we aren’t able to give specific recommendations or advice for your business. However, we’re pleased to connect you with one of our recommended sales tax partners.

We maintain a list of vetted sales tax experts that can help with all things sales tax from registration assistance to general consulting and advice. These partners are familiar with the ins and outs of eCommerce sales tax and are here to help you.

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